Sunday, November 25, 2007

What a week

The big news is, we've been looking at houses! Jonathan and I have spent all free time this weekend and last week talking to loan officers, real estate agents, and looking at houses. Sarah, who's from back east but has lived here awhile, has come along with us and been able to ask questions about basements, drywall vs plaster vs brick, and other things that Jonathan and I don't think about. We have another open house today at 3pm, then a few more next weekend.

We've decided to move out of our current neighborhood, because it's only so-so. People here either rent their houses, or inherit their homes and can't afford to maintain them very well. Some streets are really nice, but then other neighboring streets not so much... we've thus decided to live in another area, equally affordable, with much nicer neighborhoods. This new area is 10 minutes away (8 miles) from school, so we're thinking of getting me a scooter for the summer months, and then another car next winter.

Our current lease is up June 30th, but we hope to be able to pick a house by the holidays. It's a perfect buyer's market here, especially before Christmas, and the resale value is good, so when we move out in four or five years we'll be able to get our money back. We like the place we live in now, but we're having problems with our neighbors on the top floor. We can't move out quickly enough!

Lesser news is the fact that since we're getting a "big people" house, we bought an early Hanukkah present for the cats... a cat house/playground. They LOVE it. Pictures will follow shortly. Other news - Thanksgiving was wonderful. We went to Lisa and Tony's, and felt like part of their family. We're now all pumpkin-pied out! School is kicking into finals mode, with all the big projects being assigned. Jonathan's work is in stepping into high gear, he now gets 200-300 work emails daily and it's only going to get worse before it gets better. It's been a steady 40 degrees here. I went to my first brit milah (circumcision ceremony), and thought it was quite beautiful. And we watched Spiderman 3, and it sucked.

The end.

How are all of you?


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the house-hunting venture/adventure. Glad Sarah is along to raise construction questions related to the midwestern clime which is foreign to you. But you're both quick-learners. It's a big step. Hope you'll be lucky!!!!

Is a scooter a sit-down contraption or stand-up all the way? What a blast to be young!!!!

Mention of your Thanksgiving brings me pangs of longing. There's not even a hint of that holiday here, and I surely do miss it. Glad you enjoyed! Turkey, stuffing!!! Yum yum!!!!

Loving ya, yer Savta

Michal said...

I hope we'll be lucky too! We saw another two houses today.

You sit down on a scooter, like the ones in Israel. Some are big enough to take on the freeway.

And oh no, no Thanksgiving! Well, for my part it was lacking... no jello.

Sheryl said...

Good luck on the house-hunting! Its an exciting roller coaster experience.

I would avoid steep driveways and side streets if you can - they're a pain in the winter with ice/snow/etc. I hadn't really thought about it before, but winter is a good time to check on the insulation of the houses. Put you hands next the windows to check if there is a breeze and feel the outside walls to see if they're cold.

Michal said...

What good ideas, Sheryl! We hadn't thought of that at all. We'll keep you updated on how it goes...

Sheryl said...

p.s. If you get serious about a house, I think you can call the power company and ask what the average monthly payment has been for that house. Of course that's no guarantee for what yours will be. Happy Hunting!

Tara said...

how fun! yay for house hunting! i can't wait to do the same thing in the future!

i'm glad you had a nice thanksgiving. i spent it with the dad back home, while my Mom went out to NJ for my cousin's wedding. it was nice and peaceful and had good chats with some of my dad's friends!

don't forget to take it easy during this busy season.

are you coming back to CA anytime soon?