Sunday, November 25, 2007

Picture post!

Simcha, when he dreams, thinks he's Super-Kitty.

Sandra and David sent us cooking oils. Now we have a whole collection.

Our pretty new winter candle.

Osher lends his expert advice to Jonathan's Excel spreadsheet.

This is the video of the cats exploring their cat castle

For a slideshow of the making and discovery of the cat castle, click here.


Anonymous said...

That cathouse looks like a dream-castle; and oh! how Simcha and Osher are loving exploring and exploiting it!!!!! Hey Jonathan! Did any of the tools I sent you help in the construction? Looks like that was a complicated job.
The way your kitties' eyes gleam sends shivers through me. They are two clever little biddies. And they look so healthy and sleek!

I've been meaning to ask: what size is your table? Does it extend?
Please give me the dimensions.

All the pictures are wonderful. I'm still amazed at what appears to be the ease of the technology.
And very appreciative! order the movie "Tortilla Soup" -- and let me know your reaction. I enjoyed it SOOOO much!

Love yez lots!!!! :)
yer Savta

Anonymous said...

That video is incredible!!!!!! I feel like I'm there!!!!!
Wish I were!!!
yer Savta

Michal said...

Jonathan says regarding tools: yes, they proved invaluable. (He also had some of his own, so he used a medley).

The kitties *are* healthy.. and they're strong! They knock everything over. I think cat-proofing and child-proofing will be surprisingly similar.

I love technology too, it makes connection so much easier. Remember when faxing was the new thing? Now we have YouTube video!

And yes, we have the movie on order - we'll tell you all about it when it gets here (probably not for a few weeks).

Mara said...

i would just like to point out something about these cats. they used to be strays and now they live in a cat castle.

you two are like their feudal lords, plucking them from the medieval alleys and bringing them to stature.

just be careful, b/c they're getting very strong and might try to overthrow you!!!

Anonymous said...

Bless you, Mara, for reminding us of their meteoric rise in the social order. You were there to witness their sorry beginnings, woebegone scrawnies -- and now indeed lords of the actual castle!
Such fun to be able to share with you!
M&J's Savta

Michal said...

LOL you guys crack me up!