Monday, November 12, 2007

More tidbits, since apparently I can't be bothered to write in paragraphs

- We went to Mongolian BBQ for dinner tonight. The decor exemplified Cincinnati to a tee: a hint of Asian for ethnicity, a bunch of white folks eating... and then two televisions, one showing local sports and the other Nickelodeon.

- Sunday school was David and Goliath. I drew a big face on the board, blindfolded the kids, spun them around, and then had them put a "stone" of blue sticky tac on Goliath's forehead ("Pin the slingshot on Goliath?") It got crazy, but it was fun. The only bad part was when the educator walked in when they were at their most hyper, and told them all to listen to me and give me respect. The educator thought I had lost control (clearly), but I thought everything was fine. Where is the happy medium? A good question to ponder...

- Saturday Jonathan, Carmit and I went over to Carri's. Her baby is adorable. But he, like every other baby in the universe, spits up, pees on things, and gets peas and carrots in his hair. How do human beings survive this messy helpless stage and get to be adults? And how do parents survive the stage of constant dependency?

- National holidays ruin all plans. We were both looking forward to getting our next Netflix in the mail. It took us until 5pm to realize the Post Office was closed for Veteran's Day! You'd think we'd notice these things off the bat.

Now onto pictures:

Osher loves to sleep next to Jonathan's computer when he's working. So we got him a new cat bed. It's perfectly Osher-sized.

But of course he likes to hang out with me too. When he's on the top of my desk he can hear the printer whirr and sleep on nice comfy pillows provided by Savta.

And last but not least..

Jonathan the oh-so-scary Grim Reaper on Halloween!

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