Sunday, October 28, 2007

Yom Huledet Sameach

Happy birthday to Morris (Mo) Lichtenstein, born October 26th at 10:18am. My congrats to Jamie and Brad in Boston!

And I have a question for you all - the day a baby is born is literally the "birth day," but is there a name for it? October 26, 2008 will technically be his first birthday, so is this his zero birthday? I never know what to call the year 0 either, since 1-999 is the first century...

EDIT: I agree with Holly, simplicity is best. The day you were born shall henceforth be known as "the day you were born," and the year 0 shall be known as "the year 0." Brilliance!

1 comment:

hollydlr said...

I think its just called "the day you were born"