Monday, August 27, 2007

Why my husband rocks, part umpteenth

Jonathan wrote me an email today from work. I'm reprinting it here, with his permission. Its title is "Wisdom for our son(s)":

"I just went into the restroom and there is pee sprinkled all around the urinal. It's disgusting! I mean, it's a really big target at point blank range, how can you screw up nailing it? I am going to drill in our boys a little poem to help them be considerate.

If you miss when you piss
be a man and clean the can.

Nothing like a rhyme to make things memorable."

One, I feel lucky to be married to someone hygenic. Two, I feel lucky to be a woman! Our restrooms don't tend to have these problems...


Anonymous said...

May I add another verse to your "Wisdom for Our Son(s)"?

"Raise the seat when you piss;
Lower it for mom and sis."

Now we've covered the territory....
yer Savta

Michal said...

LOL!!! Savta, you crack me up!

Sheryl said...

My mom used to tell my brothers something she saw somewhere ...

I aim to keep the bathroom clean, your aim will help!

I wish she had known the verse from your Savta ;-)

Anonymous said...

Here's a more child-friendly version...

"If you sprinkle when you tinkle
Be a sweetie and wipe the seat-ie."

Michal said...
