Saturday, August 25, 2007

Our mighty hunters

Jonathan and I were busy today. I was writing service outlines for the High Holy Days, and Jonathan was reading Harry Potter. We didn't really want to play with the cats. But they meowed, and wrapped themselves around our legs, and overall managed to communicate their boredom admirably. Jonathan took pity on them, and attached a piece of ribbon to the grill of the fan. He pressed the "low" setting on the fan, and voila! Instant cat toy.


Anonymous said...

Great action shots!!!!! High flying felines!!!!!!!
Savta and Avraham, both very impressed!!!!

Sheryl said...

LOL! beautiful pics (and brilliant hubby!)
Happy First day of School.
The students are lined up in front of my window to use the copier.

Michal said...

Thanks everyone!! Taking the shots was so much fun... Simcha was definitely *not* bored, he didn't even seem to mind the flash that kept going off in front of his face.

And Sheryl, yeah... I was one of those students today at the Cincinnati campus. :)