Thursday, December 15, 2011

What I've been doing the past few days

1) Thesis work.  I'm on page 15 of Chapter Three.

2) Taste-testing all of Jonathan's baking.  He's been quite busy perfecting his sufganyot.  Last night at 11:30pm he came in with a new batch of cookies.  When I protested that it was too late to eat cookies, he held them out in front of me and I acquiesced.  (He really twisted my arm, he let me smell them!)  We ended up in front of the TV.  "Some husbands lure their wives into late-night partying and drugs," he said.  "I lure you into sugar cookies and late-night episodes of West Wing."

3) Playing with my kids.  This morning Jonathan landed on the bottom of the puppy pile as Ari tried to climb on top of him and Xander nearly smushed him.  I was wedged halfway between the bed and the floor, but as Jonathan stroked my hair, I slowly sank down further and further.  Xander couldn't see me momentarily and got confused.  "Where's Mommy?" he asked.  I said nothing, enjoying the cuddles.  "She melted," said Jonathan.  "Don't melt, Mommy!!!" proclaimed my son. "Turn back into ice!!"

4) Translating Hebrew words.  Xander's been on a "What's this in Hebrew?" kick.  Of course, Murphy's law, he only seems to ask for words that I don't know.  For example: I have no idea what "excavator" is in Hebrew.  Before he turned two I barely knew what it was in English!  (Though note in case anyone is interested, I do know that dachpoor means bulldozer.  I'm thinking excavator is machpoor, but I'm not certain.)  I also had no idea what Kleenex was in Hebrew, and I told Xander that we always just called it... wait for it... Kleenex!  Xander thought that was hilarious.  Thanks to my sister, he now knows that it's technically mimhatot af.

5) Hanukkah prep.  This involves digging out all the songsheets we have in preparation for our kid party on Saturday (for all the parents, obviously the kids can't read yet), making a plan of attack on cleaning the house and going grocery shopping for fixings.

In the spirit of the holiday, I'll end on a song-ful note, courtesy of Sylvan.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Janet said...

1. WOOHOO!!! This is awesome! I'm so proud of you.

2. With cookies and progressive politics, who needs alcohol and drugs? Go, you, Jonathan!

3. This is just the BEST! Turn back into ice? Are you sure he's just 3 years old???? His mind is amazing!

4.There was no liturgy on Excavators??? What is HUC wasting your time on? Torah & Talmud? They just don't get it! ;-)

5. Can't wait to hear how your party goes.....a handful of 3 and 4 year olds, huh? I suggest saving some of those cookies for your after-party. You'll need them when you collapse on your couch exhausted! Have fun!!!!

6. Video cracked me up!
