Thursday, December 22, 2011

Guess the family member


- went from army crawling, to crawling on his hands and knees, to full-on pulling himself up and playing the kid piano, in a matter of two weeks?

- argued with Dell for an hour to fix something for my computer, and ended up getting the parts shipped to us overnight for free?

- didn't bite their nails for two whole months and got a really nice manicure for the first time in six years?

- got a large excavator with working treads for Hanukkah, and has since named the excavator "Potter" and insists Potter sleep with him every night?

- is addicted to spending time with his brother and follows him all over the house as fast as he can, causing no end of headaches for the rest of the family?

- insisted we call Odelia on the phone "on speaker" to ask her how to say words like "house," "windshield wipers," "cat," "black," "street sign," "magic wand," and "garage" in Hebrew?

- has perfected the family sufganyot recipe, to the demise of the diet of the other adult in the house?

- smiles and laughs every time we sing the Hanukkah blessings and is mesmerized by the fire?

- was diagnosed with an ear infection plus a sinus infection, and is now on antibiotics?  The friend's mom of this person emailed to say that she apologizes, her son was probably Patient Zero as she's now sick too.

- spent the day clothes shopping with a friend and got a fancy new suit in a lovely pre-pregnancy size?

- loves to light the electric menorah and sing along in nonsense words to the tune of Maoz Tzur?  And made his mom's day when we were listening to music and he asked to dance the hora?

- slept for TWELVE hours last night and only got up to nurse ONCE?

Ahh, the mysteries I leave you with...


Janet said...

Thank God! A test I can PASS!!! I think I got 100%! And all the news is great!!!
I love you and miss you all so much.

Anonymous said...

oh oh I know I know - pick me!