Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hanukkah, the end

First, pictures as promised of the presents Xander made Jonathan and myself:

The menorah he created for Jonathan.  It was a three-day project, which is huge for his age.  We painted one side, let it dry, painted the other side the next day, and then put it together the third day.

Second side.  This one had lots of red and black because those are Jonathan's favorite colors.

Sand art he made as a surprise for me.  Blue is my favorite color.  Pink is his.  Voila!

Presents from school:  a homemade menorah and the star card that came with it.

Back of the card.

And Jonathan, for the last night of Hanukkah, gave me the BEST PRESENT EVER.  Maybe only my grandmother will appreciate it, but I literally did a happy dance when I opened up the wrapping:

My favorite book in the world, analyzed to a tee.  As the Amazon review says, 

"Now Leonard Marcus, a nationally acclaimed writer on children's literature, has created a richly annotated edition of this perennial favorite. Marcus's expansive annotations include interviews with the author and illustrator, illuminating excerpts from Juster's notes and drafts, cultural and literary commentary, and Marcus's own insights on the book. The Annotated Phantom Tollbooth also includes an introduction that shares the fascinating background on the book's publication—Juster and Feiffer met as young neighbors in Brooklyn, New York, and thus began a fortuitious collaboration on a project that would become an instant classic—as well as its enduring place in the world of children's literature."

Yippee!  Oh, and thanks to mom for the gift of clothes... Rachael and I went on a shopping spree yesterday and I'm all outfitted for winter.  It can officially snow now, I'm prepared.

Back to placement preparation...


Sheryl said...

What great gifts!

Michal said...

Thanks, Sheryl!

Janet said...

This is an absolutely beautiful post. I love the gifts that Xander made for you both. Jonathan's gift to you rocks! And I'm so pleased that you were able to find the clothing that you needed/wanted. I'm glad I could participate.
You all are the best!