Monday, December 12, 2011

Redefining success

I had great plans for the day.  I was going to log serious hours working on my thesis, and in my "free" time pay bills and do errands.

Instead, I never made it my home office.  I took care of a sick baby who wanted me way more than Jonathan.

In one sense my day was a waste.  I did nothing I had intended to do.  (Like, literally, nothing.)

In another sense the baby is happy and giggling.  So maybe it was a successful, productive day after all.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I love a woman who has her priorities in line. And you do! Erma Bombeck shared that housework will wait, the bills will wait, the laundry will wait. But people? They must float to the top of our priority list. I'm proud of you, my wonderful daughter especially knowing how focused and goal oriented you are. No wasted time yesterday....just time invested wisely.