Sunday, December 4, 2011

My bookworm self cringes at the irony

I finally convinced Xander to try my oatmeal this morning.  Oatmeal, milk, brown sugar, and raisins.  "I LIKE it!!" he said.

We then talked about how he had heard of oatmeal before, in the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  What they called "porridge," we call "oatmeal."

He wanted to hear the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears again.

Great, I said.

Did he want me to read the story to him, as found in our nursery tale books?


Did he want me to tell him the story myself, cuddled up on my lap?


Well, what did he want?

To see the story.  On TV.  As told by the characters in the show SuperWhy.  

SuperWhy airs on PBS.  It's entire point - get this - is to promote literacy.


Janet said...


Michal said...

Yeah. What we did was watch 5 minutes of the half-hour show, then went upstairs for nap. And as one of his bedtime books later on I just *happened* to pick the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Janet said...

You are soooo smart! Your family is so lucky to have you!!! As am I.
Loving you,