Friday, November 4, 2011

Xander-isms, part umpteenth

Me:  I had a very frustrating day.  I looked for some books in the library and I couldn't find them.
X:  Did you need a flashlight?

J:  How old are you?
X: I'm three!
J: Do you know how old I am?  I'm forty-one.
X:  WOW!!!  That's a whole LOT!

Waiting at the pediatrician's office for the 3 year old/6 month well checkups, X and I play ring around the rosy.  We do it so many times I get dizzy.  I say, "Do we have to fall down?"  X says, very perplexed, "Yes, we fall down.  It's ring around the rosy.  We HAVE to fall down!"  Then he stares at me. Like, duh... that's the whole point of the song.

Overheard, X to A:  "Fire trucks are not for eating!"

J gives X a kiss on his cheek.
X gives J a kiss on his cheek back, with dripping pizza slice in hand.  J's cheek is very wet and has a red smear.
J looks at X askew as he wipes his face.
X laughs and says, "I gave you a sauce kiss!"

And a sad little voicemail message, not from or about Xander, but relating to Ari's teething and proving that I need more sleep.  From Holly to me:  

"Hi, Michal?  You left a message on my phone for the gas company, saying you needed to reschedule your Friday appointment.  Um, just so you know, you obviously didn't reach the gas company.  You might want to call them again."

Sigh.  Yeah.  Don't really have much to say about that one.  


Janet said...

I love being included in your day to day life! Cracks me up! Get some sleep.

Janet said...

The fact that X says "Firetrucks are not for eating" reflects that he hears those words. Other parents just say, "NO!"

You have reason to be proud.


Tara said...

i agree with your Mom, you need some SERIOUS zzz's!! poor you! but i have to say that that accidental call is just so cute too. hehe i couldn't help but chuckle.

i hope you get some MORE QUALITY sleep soon!!! xo

Michal said...

You guys are too sweet! :)