Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Five items of interest, and their accompanying emotions

1) I turned in my first chapter of my thesis to my advisor today.  This = hooray!

2) I spent a few hours at work going through original documents regarding the 1935 Jewish boycott of the Berlin Olympics.  The material was all on onion-skin paper and included original sermons, a recording of Stephen S. Wise talking about it, and a timeline from the Canadian Jewish Congress. This = fascinating.

3) Xander surprises me sometimes by how adult he sounds.  Take this morning, driving him to school:

Ari: "aaaaaAAAaaaaa" squeak "aaaaaaAAAaaaa"
Jonathan:  "Thank you for sharing your feelings, Ari.  I'm so glad you and Sophie [the giraffe teething squeak toy] have so much to say.
Ari: [continues to babble contentedly]
Michal: "Xander, would you like to share your feelings?"
Xander:  "No.  I'll keep them to myself."

This = cute.

4) Last night Jonathan and I went over all the congregations to which I'm applying with a fine-tooth comb.  Today I officially submitted my form to the CCAR detailing where to send my resume.  This = a relief + anxiety-provoking all at the same time.  Now it's a waiting game to see where/if I get interviews.

5) We bought massive amounts of ice cream.  This = my way of coping with the above.


Rebecca said...

You'll be great on the job market! I'd hire you! Love reading your stories.

Michal said...

Thanks, Becca! I wish I had your confidence.

Janet said...

This post = Pure Joy!