Monday, November 28, 2011

HUC Klau Library annual book sale

Shout-out to Rachael who picked me up at the ungodly rainy hour of 7:30am to get to the library at opening time at 8am.  Thank you thank you!

So what did I get, you ask?

- An in-line Latin-English translation of Cicero's major speeches. I just used the online version of this last night when writing my thesis!
- Volumes 1 and 2 of all the major church history documents, to be used in adult eds
- A hardcover biography of Alan Greenspan, to be sent to Savta
- A 1917 edition of "Old English Songs and Hymns," with lyrics to things like the original Robin Hood song, complete with notes and explanations
- A history of Hellenistic Rome
- The Prophet by Khalil Gibran, which I've never read before

Plus a few other things.  I limited myself to $20, and came away with 19 books!


Janet said...

Glad to hear you got some good stuff! I didn't know you hadn't read Gibran's The Prophet. I think I have several copies! Coulda saved you a buck.

And Rachael, you're a good friend!

Michal said...

Yeah but Mom, it would have cost way more than a buck to ship!

Sheryl said...

Sounds wonderful! - so glad you found some treasures. I love Gibran's "On children" Check out Sweet Honey in the Rock's rendition