Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chaos theory. AKA things bouncing about in my head.

- Xander told a story yesterday that cracked me and Jonathan up.  He held up a plush toy and said, “This is the red dinosaur.  He’s very scary.  When people come close he says RAWWRR and they say, 'ahh, it’s a dinosaur’ and they run away.”  But when he said RAWWRR he did it in a deep voice, and for the “ahh, it’s a dinosaur,” he did it in falsetto.  I only wish we had had the video camera.

- The show "Thirtysomething" hit too close to home, so I've moved onto "Parenthood."  Those characters are not me now, but in five years - so it's still relevant, but not as painful to watch.

- We went to the Cincinnati Museum "Holiday Junction" to see all the trains with my friend Nicole S. and her kids.  Xander thought all the trees were pretty, which amused me.  They were pretty.  But he had no idea they were Christmas trees. Another thing he didn't notice, that I did, was the hard-core Christmas music.  It's one thing to have a "holiday junction" that's all about Christmas (Hanukkah or Kwanzaa anyone?) but at least only have songs about the non-religious Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman. I'm not a fan of loud "Christ will be reborn" lyrics piped in over the loudspeakers at public, city-run venues.  I will say that lunch was awesome though - Xander will eat any sandwich that comes out of the below Tupperware container.  Sometimes the best finds are in the $1 Target bin.
It fits the shape of a standard bread slice perfectly.

- I'm on page three of my thesis.  And I have an outline for the rest of the chapter.  I found it really hard to start, so I feel like I’m making progress.  A grad student friend, Matt, took me on a tour of the University of Cincinnati campus and came with me to their Classics Library, so I was able to get a ton more books.

- Baby Bird Saga continues:  Jonathan bought a pack of white balloons, blew one up, and put it in Xander’s room when he was sleeping.  Xander is now convinced that Baby Bird Egg hatched overnight. It's adorable.

- Sleep still eludes me, because Ari is STILL teething.  There are numerous white bumps on his gums, but no actual teeth as of yet.  With Xander it was so much better after that first tooth broke through; I’m hoping it will be the same with his brother.

- This Sunday a home-birth-network friend hosted an Arbonne make-up party.  A make-up artist put seven different products on my face, and I looked... nice.  Polished.  Professional.  But not "worth the $300 I would need to spend on their products to replicate it"-type professional.  So suggestions: I know I need to at least buy a tube of lipstick and mascara for placement interviews.  What else do I need?  My husband says I look beautiful as is, which is wonderful but not particularly helpful.  People who read this: what make-up items should I buy, and are there any brands you recommend?


Janet said...

So much to reply to!
1. Oh, how I would have loved to hear Xander's story. And he used different voices for his characters! Awesome!!!!!

2. I lived through the first runs of Thirtysomething. Good to hear that it's still relevant. It was a good show!

3. You have more patience than I when it comes to heavy duty Christ lyrics in public venues. Helloooooo???????? We're not as WASPs, ya know! And they might know but I'm not sure they care.

4. MAZEL TOV on making progress on your thesis!! Keep at it and it will be done in no time! I'm proud of you.

5. Baby Bird Saga!!! Oh to be young and trusting again. What a wonderful imagination Xander has!

6. Oy, teething. They say tht if adults went through teething like babies do, we would need an anesthetic!

7. You'll find the right combination of natural looking makeup for yourself to help you feel prettier than you are now....how that can actually be, I don't know.....but still look natural and as though you're not wearing makeup!

Sheryl said...

I clearly remember teething and it was NOT FUN - I had an impacted wisdom tooth in college and I was not a happy camper.

Nicole L said...

for placement i wore my usual clinque foundation, cover girl blush and lipstick. that's it. mascara makes my eyes itch. lots of love!

Michal said...

Mom and Sheryl, I so hear you about teething. And Nicole - thank you! That makes me feel better. So far I've bought concealer and lipstick. I'm debating what to do with my eyes, since I'm wearing glasses full-time now.

Anonymous said...

For the makeup, I have always used clinique since I was 16, and they have a great tinted moisturizer. Its very light and has spf in it. I would also say maybe a subtle eyeshadow

Love you guys,