Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to play firefighter, by Xander

Give a visiting friend, in this case Aaron, the special red fire hat. 

Tell him, "You squeeze the fire extinguisher while I talk to everybody."

Yell as loud as you can into the bullhorn, "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, THERE'S A FIRE!!!" while your friend makes "psshhhh" noises while working the fire extinguisher, and your little brother looks up all confused and intimidated by the sudden noise.

Have Mommy help rescue people on the second floor of your house using the fire truck ladder.  Don't forget to have everybody still make "pssshhh" noises!

Be serious at the end, and wonder why the grown-ups are laughing.  You did a great job, you put out the fires and saved the world!

(Additional useful information:  fire-fighting should also consist of running in circles around the house multiple times putting out imaginary fires in every room.  Lastly, ignore Mommy, Daddy and Aaron talking about rabbinic placement, and tune out Mommy telling Daddy all about the class she co-taught on "Death and the Afterlife" as part of an interfaith panel for adult learners.  Who cares that the Protestant representative turned out to be Dennis, her mentor from CPE two summers ago?   Man, grown-ups can be boring!)


Janet said...

There's so much to say about this great 'play' post but the one thing that I couldn't help but notice is that you have an absolutely beautiful smile, Michal.


Janet said...

It's as though I can hear Xander taking charge and giving everyone instructions. I love the one with Ari looking up as if to say, "What is going on here!!!????" And the whooshing sounds.....oh, the best!

Good parenting at it's best.

And the fact that Xander shared the FIRE CHIEF HAT!!!! He really knows how to make people feel loved and appreciated. He shares his best stuff. What a kid!!!!

Love you and miss you all,
