Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Julie Andrews moment

Last night the family went to Costco for some shopping and pizza dinner.  As we were checking out, it started to rain.  And by rain I mean rain.  It poured.  The thunderclaps were deafening.  The wind blew the trees nearly horizontal.  Costco closed the main entrance to the store, and people were milling about near the side exit, unwilling to forage out in what we later found out was a tornado watch.

But... we had a cranky toddler who up past his bedtime, and a baby who was not happy.  Waiting out the storm was not an option, as the Costco worker next to us said that it was supposed to go on all night (and it did).  So two workers in plastic rain gear ran to put our purchases in the trunk while Jonathan put Ari's car seat umbrella cover thing on and snapped him into the car.  Xander had a death grip on me so I borrowed a coat from yet another worker to put over him, and carried him to his seat.  By the time Jonathan and I both sat down (he in front, me in the middle between the two kids), we were soaked.

In the car, we drove very slowly, and lightning lit up the sky.  Xander was scared, so I held his hand, and then for good measure, held Ari's hand too.  And all of a sudden I remembered a similar scene from one of my favorite movies as a child, The Sound of Music.  I began to sing.

Miii-ni coopers and e-excavators
He-elicopters and air-rplanes
Va-nilla yogurt and bells that go ping,
These are a few of my favorite things

Swi-ings and slides and staying two songs*
Tricycles and bicycles and playing in the park
Building a tower and knocking it ka-ching,
These are a few of my favorite things

Elmo and Thomas and Percy the train
Gordon who’s fa-ast and James who is vain
Chi-icken nuggets a-and ice cream,
These are a few of my favorite things

When the lightning strikes
When the storm is loud
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don’t feeel so baaaad!

(*Every night either Jonathan or I stay in his room for two songs of his sleep CD as part of his bedtime ritual.)

Xander didn't get it, but Jonathan did, and he cheered me heartily when I was finished.  I was kinda proud of myself for doing it off the cuff!


Anonymous said...

You got me singing along! Very clever.
Lynn (Harrill)

Janet said...

Omigod!!! I am so impressed!!!! Rogers and Hammerstein have nothing on you! you are such a good Mom, honey. You really are.
And Xander might not have "gotten it" but what he DID get is that his Mommy was there, holding his hand, and singing through the storm about things that he knew about. He might have been thinking, through his terror,"If Mommy can sing at a time like this, I'm sure I'll be okay."

And you were probably scared out of your mind too but you had 2 babies to protect! That's what being a good parent is about. You always come through with flying colors.

Sheryl said...

talk about grace under pressure! good job mom. Those storms can be brutal. I'm glad you're all ok.