Saturday, October 16, 2010

Xander's birthday!

It was great fun - we had about eight adults and two other toddlers, with a 3-dimensional Thomas the Train cake. The kids played, the adults schmoozed - you can't ask for anything more.

Waiting for guests to arrive

Hi everybody!

It's Thomas' nose!

Here is the webshots link for all the other pictures: Xander's 2nd birthday party

There are some videos, too, but those are on Jonathan's computer, which is currently being fixed. ETA therefore unknown.


Anonymous said...

FANTABULOUS!!!! I have REPLAYED about 50 times! Watta Party!!!
Choo-choo years old!...oops! I mean, TWO-TWO years old! Happy Birthday, Xander!!!!
Savta Rabbah

Sheryl said...

so hard to believe that he's 2 already! aren't those first couple of years amazing!

Ryan, Miranda, and Ethan said...

Would you mind sharing if you purchased or made the Thomas cake for your sons birthday? I'm in the Cincinnati area (West Chester) and am on the hunt for a cake for my son's 3rd birthday in January.
