Sunday, October 4, 2009

Some cute pics

Going vrooom in the Target cart

Yay for the outdoors!

This is at the hotel at my pulpit in Indiana on Yom Kippur. He opened the drawer by himself and climbed right in, then started bouncing away and chattering to himself. Video will follow.


Janet said...

Xander is changing so quickly that I didn't even immediately recognize that it was HIM in the shopping cart! And, oy, those cheeks in the picture with Jonathan. And, the pure joy he expresses after crawling into that drawer is priceless. Is that the night you called me when he wouldn't go to sleep?
How I miss you all! I can't believe that our little Xander is going to be a year old in only 3 days. How this past year flew by! Where or where did it go????

Michal said...

It is the night we called you! He was wired for sound. He must have bounced in that drawer for 20 minutes. Then he crawled all around. Then he tried to eat the Gideon Bible that we hadn't realized was in the desk drawer.

And I know - the year went so fast!!