Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A few musings when I should be doing homework

Sometimes your brain is just fried, you know? So here I am in the library ignoring my stack of books and taking a blogging break.

First, and perhaps most pertinent to this exact moment: I do not like Talmud. I have tried, really I have. The professor is amazing, I'm engaged in the material, I understand it perfectly. I just... don't like it. It's law. Stupid tiny picayune details that I can't bring myself to care about. I like the underlying issues, I really get into the philosophy of law (big surprise), but the class is focused on understanding all the details. It's torture. Albeit with a good teacher.

You all will be amused, but perhaps not surprised, to learn that Xander likes spice. We tried to give him chicken pot pie for dinner last night. "Tried" being the operative word, because he smeared it all over the high chair and refused to eat it. He kept looking at our food, Indian leftovers, and whining. All right, we figured, sure, we'll give him a little just so he'll know he doesn't like it, and he can eat his own dinner. WRONG. He ate it all up quickly and asked for more! So: chicken pot pie is boring, but basmati rice with chicken makhani and aloo sag apparently is just what growing boy needs.

And last but not least, Governor Strickland thinks that my son is cute! He showed up at the American Jewish Archives last night to record a greeting that will be played at the new library opening this weekend. He did a meet-and-greet on the way out, and of course he had to stop to talk to the babies. Xander gave him his best winning smile, the governor stroked his cheek, and yay! the boy now has political approval. :)


Janet said...

I'll eat the chicken pot pies. They'll be boring enough for me!

Hugs and kisses to all!


Anonymous said...

One year old and a cultivated palate! Woohoo!!!!

Tara said...

that's so cute that Xander likes spice foods. :) Before you know it, he'll be asking for Tabasco!

Chana P said...

a) How's your aramaic/hebrew/yiddish? I have some awesome commentaries on stuff in the talmud that put even the most detailed and boring laws in the COOLEST light... Though they're all hebrew or yiddish with references in aramaic.

b) your son is adorable! :)

c) I owe you a phone-call... going to English tutoring now, but I'll try before shabbat tomorrow.


Sheryl said...

Did you go to the library opening? We haven't heard much about it.
Love the pics as always.