Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The power of peaches

High chairs have arrived in abundance! Andi very kindly bought us an Inglesina Fast chair, the kind that attaches to the table. And the very same day it arrived in the mail, one of my adult students brought over a traditional high chair with a plastic tray. She had bought it for her grandchildren for when they came to visit, and they've since grown up, so it's been living in her basement. We'll use both, I'm sure, one at home and one while visiting places (or both at home, with one in the kitchen and one in the dining room). I feel so spoiled having two, and having two tables at which to use them!

Speaking of high chairs, yesterday was baby-food making day. I stuck carrots, peas, and peaches in the blender (separately!), and then poured the mush into ice cube trays. Xander so far is a big fan of mushed peaches. I guess anything is better than that avocado.

Classes are really wonderful. In Talmud today Dr. Cohen compared "Jacob the heretic" [a character in a tractate (passage) of text] to Roger the Shrubber. When I asked who that was, he was aghast that I didn't know the Monty Python reference. I told Jonathan and he was insulted, too, and told me that we now have to rewatch The Holy Grail. In my other class, we were assigned to write our "spiritual autobiography." I found it refreshing and deeply introspective, and I highly recommend it to anyone who's curious about how their sense of connection has changed or evolved over the years.

Hemingway the cat is here. And is panicked. He and Simcha and Osher are NOT friends. Yet. We'll see how it goes.


Chana P said...

goodness michal, even *I* got the Holy Grail reference!!! Where have you been?!?! haha, and you forgot to mention that the cat's name is Hemingway - that just made him 10X cooler in my book lol ;) It was really nice speaking to you yesterday, keep in touch, and have a beautiful shavuot!

Janet said...

Well, at the risk of insulting everyone else, Roger the Who? At least I've heard of Monty Python? I don't think I've ever seen it though. See, Michal, compared to me, you're COOL!

Kol Hakavod for making your own baby food! Brings back memories of those 2 blender motors I burned out while making yours!

I love you and miss you all,

Sheryl said...

I think we made about 90% of Caleb's baby food and about 10% of Ruthies. Caleb loved spoons so much that when we went out to eat, we would ask for an extra handful of spoons - he would chew on them and bang them around - but invariably they would hit the floor.

Michal said...

Aww, Chana, I'm losing my geek status bit by bit! Or Mom, maybe it's my cool status? I'm not sure which one Monty Python fits into. :)

Sheryl, Xander loves spoons too! He actually (shh, don't tell) stole one accidentally from a restaurant the other day. He was playing with it during the meal and holding onto it as we left, and we forgot about it til we got home.