Monday, May 18, 2009

Assorted musings

Homeownership = lots and lots of yardwork. It's taking hours every weekend, but it's actually pretty fun seeing our yard shape up. Jonathan mows every week, I'm an expert raker, and our friend Sarah has shown us what in the world we're supposed to be doing with our flowerbeds. We've weeded, pruned, and shaped the bushes. Next up is mulching.

Pretty lawn = outdoor picnics! We had dinner tonight on a blanket in the backyard. It was like very own drive-in. Only without the movie.

Outdoors = Osher going wild. He caught another bird. And played with it. We could hear it screech in pain, and its mate was going nuts in the tree above. We probably should have killed it (Osher broke its wing), but we didn't have the heart. Instead we captured Osher and brought him back indoors for the night. We haven't seen the bird since.

Summer classes = brilliance but tiredness. I'm taking "Heroes and Halachah," a Talmud class analyzing how Biblical archetypes are used in Jewish law, and "Accompanying Families on Their Spiritual Journey," a professional development course taught in New York (I and one other student are in the electronic classroom). The first is 9am-noon, the second 1pm-5pm. I'm quite happy with both classes, and will write a separate entry on them soon. But oy, it makes for long days.

Long days at school = Xander in daycare. He's staying with my friend Janelle while I'm in class. He's well taken care of, but he's still not with me. Sniff.

Recession = coworker getting rid of his cat = we might be getting a new kitty. He's an 8 year old sweet cat, and if he goes to a shelter they'll most likely put him down. We can't let that happen! And Simcha needs an indoor brother. He's coming over for a trial this weekend. I'll let you know what happens.

Odelia leaving = sad. She left for New York today. I miss her already. :(

New food for Xander = messiness and distaste. The child so far likes neither oatmeal nor avocado. I hope he doesn't plan on eating only milk forever. It's so not happening.

Messy food for Xander = bathtime. He's graduated from the baby bathtub to the main tub, and loves to "swim." His favorite bath toy is a red cup.

End of fall semester = ordination and graduation = students leaving. Carl and Anne are heading off to northern Ohio, and all my senior friends are moving far, far away. Good for them, bad for me.

End of Sunday school = cute cute gifts from third graders. One gave me chocolate roses. :) They really liked our last day, an "Israel cafe." The morning started with covering their hands and faces with Dead Sea mud. Then we cut up cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions to make salad, stuck it in pita with falafel and humus, and played "Israel bingo" (bingo with Israeli terms) while we ate. You can't go wrong with food, no matter the age group.

Teething pain = lack of sleep. You remember I said that we had gotten that sleeping ritual down pat? All out the window. What I wouldn't do for four uninterrupted hours of slumber.

And speaking of, I can hear him crying on the monitor.... bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohhh baby :( .. i miss him.. put some picuters!!!!!!