Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hoodwinked for a good cause

Jonathan and I go to temple on Friday night once a month, for the 5:30pm Tot Shabbat service. The usual Shabbat service starts at 6:30pm, which, by the time we get home, is way too late for the baby's bedtime. Sometimes we make an exception, but not usually. Well, last Friday was Teacher Appreciation Shabbat... but it was also one of Jonathan's releases, a big work thing which meant that he started to work at 5pm and didn't finish til about 3am that morning. I knew that Jonathan would be stressed anyway, so I didn't even tell him about the Teacher Appreciation Shabbat so that he wouldn't have to feel guilty about not going.

On Tuesday my principal at Sunday school emailed me, asking for Jonathan's email because she had a computer question for him. "Sure!" I said, thinking that it was so nice that she wanted his advice. Later that day, when discussing her question, he asked me if I wanted to go to Teacher Shabbat. I was surprised, but apparently it had come up in conversation with the principal, and he figured why not, he could take some time out from work and we could go be more involved in the community. So we went.

Near the end of the service, in lieu of the sermon, the principal and rabbi handed out certificates to the seniors who were graduating and the madrichim (teacher's aides). Then they announced that every year, there was one award that was given to the best teacher at Sunday School, someone who "most exemplified Jewish values through teaching." And I found out that Jonathan and the principal had conspired! It was me! When the rabbi called me up I was actually standing in the back of the sanctuary, bouncing Xander, and I blushed so hard it seemed to take forever to get to the bima (stage). I went up to the front, and Xander promptly tried to drool on the plaque that had my name inscribed on it. When that failed he attempted to eat my certificate, and when I leaned him back he decided instead to try to reach for the wrapping paper around my gift (which was very cool, The Book of Customs, a book I didn't have!)

So, as the title says, I was tricked. But for a lovely, lovely cause. :)

[P.S. What Jonathan and the principal would have had to talk about in the Middle Ages: Medieval tech support]


Anonymous said...

Awesome story! Way to go Jonathan (for conspiring) and way to go Michal (for your teaching award). I miss you both & am glad you are still rockin' the socks off the Cincinnati set!

Janet said...

See! I don't think you're a great teacher just because you're my daughter. Other people think so too!!!! And they're right. :-D
Love you,

Sheryl said...

Mazel tov! I know you work really hard and I"m sure you deserve any and all acolades you get!

Michal said...

Aww, thanks guys!