Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Two week's worth of videos

Whiny Xander. I had set him down on the carseat as I was putting on my wrap, hoping he would fall asleep in it. This is what he sounds like when overtired.

This isn't really a video, I meant to take a picture but the camera was on the wrong setting! It's cute anyway. Jonathan fell asleep when he got home from work, and Osher took advantage.

Another conversation while making dinner. Halfway through, his cries become more shrill and we could tell he needed a diaper change.

Hanging on to Jonathan's sleeve. This was almost two weeks ago - he'll grab onto anything now.

Singing along to "The Wheels on the Bus"


Anonymous said...

I love your rendition of The Wheels on the Bus, Michal! And I liked that you changed the hand motions of the horn when you realized that they were the same as the wheels! Good catch. Xander is so sweet I just want to eat him up. And even when he kvetches he's not unreasonable. What a baby little person.
You're both doing a great job!

Sheryl said...

Ah, yes, the Wheels on the Bus - a perennial favorite! BTW, the motions work on the legs too.

It looks like he's turning into quite the talker - such a cutie!

Michal said...

Thanks, you two! Yeah, Mom, I hadn't realized I was doing the same motions til the middle... good catch on your part! And Sheryl... leg-wheeling, here we come!