Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tidbits from the week

Apparently I'm grown-up now (aside from that whole "being a mother" thing). Gwen and Sylvan sent us some money for Hanukkah with the instructions to "go do something fun" with it. Hmm, Jonathan and I thought. Movie, dinner, concert? Eh. They all sounded so-so. Instead what we decided to do is to call Molly Maids. Our house is filthy!

This past week we've been getting The Tudors from Netflix and I'm really enjoying it. It's a soap opera, non-historically accurate version of King Henry VIII, but it's quite pretty with the costumes and sets and beautiful people. My nursing book the past two weeks (sigh, I can't believe it takes me that long to get through anything) is The Last Jews of Kerala: The Two Thousand Year History of India's Forgotten Jewish Community. Quite interesting, I know literally nothing about Jews in India.

Since it's the beginning of the year and all, I bit the bullet and stepped on the scale. And... drum roll please... I've lost 40.5 pounds! Woohoo! Only 20 more to go. I've set a goal for myself that I think is somewhat realistic: I want to fit into my fancy black dress for Mara and Mark's wedding. That's in June. That's six months, I can do that, right?

Oh! And I almost forgot - we have plane tickets! The three of us will be visiting California in April to spend Pesach/Easter with family. My poor sister arrives from Israel two weeks beforehand... I hope she won't be bored here alone.

Xander news is also fun: he's started to roll over! He can now maneuver himself from his back to his right side, and occasionally his tummy. His other new trick is sucking on individual fingers now, not just the whole hand.

Some new pictures:

Xander and Daddy

Smiling at Mommy

Simcha has been jumping on our backs to get attention. Poor neglected kitty.


Janet said...

OMIGOD!! These pictures are just fabulous!!!!
I miss you all soooo much.

Janet said...

Forgot to mention......Welcome to adulthood! LOL

Chana P said...

ahhh! I love the pictures, and I'm so excited that you're coming to visit! Can you believe its been two years since I last saw you?!?!?!

Michal said...

Thanks, Mom. And Chana - really?! It doesn't feel that way. Though I guess it makes sense - we haven't been home since we moved here in June 07...