Friday, January 30, 2009

Play dates

Our social circle is widening by leaps and bounds. Last weekend we went to Deann and Justin's and played with their three year-old. Today I went to Maria's and hung out with her and her two year old, and then Messa came over with her two little ones. It felt very surreal to be the "mom" of a 4 month old, sit next to a pregnant woman who has a 2 year old, then be with another mom with a 2 and a half year old and a 3 month old baby. Like, when did this happen, and how did I grow up?! That said, they had some great advice on how to put Xander down for naps, I got a preview of what life will be like in a little bit, and Xander was so absolutely fascinated by these big kids that he forgot to nurse, ask for a diaper change, and/or nap. Which means that the moment we came in the front door he cried hard, wanting all three at once.

I should also mention that our road is still a big sheet of ice, and I cancelled my Hebrew class this morning so my students wouldn't have to drive over. I was going to cancel the playdate as well, but Maria's husband is sweet and came to pick me up so I could still go. He's lived in Ohio all his life and is used to driving in this weather... I don't even want to start the car! Thank goodness Ari came over with extra salt last night for our driveway, because otherwise Jonathan wouldn't have been able to leave the house this morning.

Now I must be off to vacuum, since Batya and Erin (rabbinical student friends) will be here soon for Shabbat dinner. And the house is covered in cat fur. And cat toys. And baby toys. And random schmutz. Sigh. I am so NOT a housewife.

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