Monday, January 5, 2009

First day of class

I survived it! Or, more specifically, I survived my very first day of putting Xander in daycare. He's staying with a friend of ours while I take an "intensive" 9am-4pm course this week. He did fine, drinking from the bottle and enjoying his day with new people. I, on the other hand, was a bit trepidatious and went and visited him on my lunch break. I can't even explain my worry, it had nothing to do with the care he was getting; he just wasn't with me or Jonathan, you know?

The class itself was great, at least. Entitled "Judaism and GLBT Issues," it's taught by the director of the Institute for Judaism and Sexual Orientation, and so far our class discussions have been dynamic and very enlightening.

Now off to do homework....


hollydlr said...

so glad the day went as well as could be hoped for! you're gonna make it! and remember, its only temporary... :) it is quite a milestone, though, isn't it!?!

Anonymous said...

glad to hear it! can't wait for some dets on the class. so interesting.

Mara said...

Good job darling. Congrats! Enjoy the learnin' time.

Sheryl said...

I remember how nerve-wracking it can be. When Caleb started day-care, I just jumped everytime the phone rang- convinced they were calling to say there was a problem.

Did Joel Kushner lead the seminar? He's a great guy.

Tara said...

how exciting! being separated from xander must be soooo difficult! props to you michal :)

school sucks! exams are this coming week, and then almost home!

hope you have a fun week in class!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, I had to go back to work on the 3rd, and it was the longest I had been away from John since the day he was born. I have also cried aloth the nights before I go to work! At least you were able to go and see him!
Love you guys,