Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Still alive

I'm trying to convince my mom to write a guest blog entry. She has way more energy than I do.

Basically, my days are nursing, changing diapers, walking the baby when he cries, and talking with my parents while doing the above things. Alexander is still a doll. I'm still exhausted.

Honestly, that's all that's happened. I have tons of pictures from the naming ceremony last week as well as updated ones of the baby, but it seems like so much effort to download them to the computer, shrink them, upload them, and then post a link. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow.

Oh yes, and it's now autumn here. It's 53 degrees, which I thought wasn't bad. Apparently that means I've adapted to Ohio. My Israeli father and California mother, on the other hand, are wearing three layers indoors and drinking copious amounts of tea, so we caved and turned on the heat.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for pictures. lol at your parents & their warm-weather ways! I second the motion for some guest-blogging :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, it took your body nine months to get used to carrying and nourishing Alexander; suddenly he checks out! Give your body time to made that radical readjustment. Your energy will return. Patience.

As to your thin-blooded parents who hail from tropical climes,they can admire your acclimation to Ohio's temperate climate while they shiver, but they need that extra heat. So good for you for providing it.

Meanwhile, hugs for Alexander. And we'd all love to read your mom's blogs.....


Sheryl said...

I also vote for a guest blogger! Come on Jan!

With my kids, the first 6 weeks were just a blur of exhaustion, but it did get better. Hang in there!

I don't ever remember turning the heater on before Halloween. We usually tried to make it to Thanksgiving, but often turned it on before then.

Anonymous said...

Toughen up janet,lol,, write the blog,,and an email to me,, i cant seem to get voting papers,, have applied several times with no success,, thanks for giving your mom some heat,,,but she has always felt the cold,,,
as your Savta said,, once a routine sets in you will get the rest you need,, it takes a few months but it will happen,, meanwhile sleep when he sleeps,,,
love to you all,hugs and kisses, take care and stay well, miss ya,, Michelle