Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Very quick update

- My mom is here from CA and my dad from Israel. We're all exhausted, but it's a happy kind of exhaustion.

- The naming ceremony was held today. There was a really nice turnout, we felt like we had a great community. Thank you to everyone who came!

- Alexander went to the pediatrician yesterday. He's gained half a pound over his birthweight, and measures at 21 3/4 inches! We think the person who measured him at the hospital didn't stretch out his legs, because we know he didn't grow two inches in a week! I thought he was taller than 19 inches.

- Osher ran out of the house last night and hasn't come back, though we did spot him once in the backyard. We're worried he'll get hurt, he's never been outdoors for any extended period before (unlike Simcha, who was a stray). He's been very upset all week about the baby. I'm hopeful he'll come back soon.

- My home birth community put us on their meals calendar. Yay for free food!

Who knew that nursing, changing, and comforting a newborn could literally take ALL DAY? I have no idea what people do without help...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your growing baby! I definitely think that someone mismeasured here... Babies grow fast, but not that fast :)

Hopefully despondent kitty is safe and sound. 'Older siblings' always harbor some resentment to the change of new additions (I went through it 4 times). Everyone in my family laughs because I wanted to send Brooke back to the hospital. Oops!

hollydlr said...

did I not tell you you would not have time to shower? ;)

I guess between not a good enough stretch on the measuring, and the chiro adjustment, it makes a huge difference!

I do hope Osher is ok!! I am sure he'll be back soon...

I'll give you a call tomorrow!

Sheryl said...

yeah, those first few decades, I mean weeks, can certainly be exhausting.

How are the diapers working out?