Sunday, October 5, 2008

The life of a woman one week overdue

I'm actually not as much of an invalid as one would expect. My brain doesn't seem to be working very well, probably due to lack of sleep and hormones; but other than that, physically I'm not so bad. I'm just trying to relax, to take the extra time as a blessing and not be anxious. That, and to roll with the false labor pains. :P

Thursday I trekked out a whole fifteen minute drive to see Anne at her place, which is always fun. Friday a couple of friends from Boston were here for a conference, so they (Jamie, Brad, and their one-year old) came over to visit and spent a few hours at the house, and then Jeffrey came over for Shabbat dinner.

Yesterday Jonathan and I went to Half-Price Books to stock up on board books for the baby as well as books for me (I'm hoping I can read while nursing). I love that store - I got so many $1 books on the sale shelf, then I found out they were actually on clearance so were 50 cents! If you're not familiar with board books, they're small, with thick pages that babies can handle, turn over, and chew on. We got an assortment of educational ones that teach numbers, colors, shapes, the alphabet, etc. Then we went on a DATE, an actual date night to Olive Garden. Our first choice had been to the place Jessica and Michael recommended (Maggiano's Little Italy), but their wait was an hour and a half, and we were just too hungry!

Today's been easy, just reading and talking and relaxing. My mom is making pot roast for dinner! Having her here has been wonderful, and I'm sure will be even better once the baby's born. Not only does she cook, clean, and do laundry, it's so nice to just hang out and spend time together doing errands, going to the chiropractor, that sort of thing.

Oh, and speaking of relaxation and books, it's been a while since I've put out a few recommendations: first, I quite liked Tracey Chavalier's The Lady and the Unicorn. She wrote Girl with a Pearl Earring, and I got into this one much more, perhaps because each chapter is narrated by a different character. It's also set in the Middle Ages, which I'm more interested in than 16th century Holland. Patrick Taylor's An Irish Country Doctor is reminiscent of James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small, except Taylor's character is a physician, not a vet. Other than that, they're about the same: city doctor goes to small town, learns about life caring for people. Christopher Paolini's Brisingr is fantasy, and is a very good sequel to the two other Eragon books. He's definitely learned to write better since his first novel at 15! Don't watch the movie "Eragon" though, it sucked and will turn you off the novels. (Note: I'm not a book-to-movie snob, I would never say that about the Harry Potter movies, or even the first movie they made of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy.)

So that's basically the plan this week... read more, eat yummy things, play cards with my mom, maybe watch Star Trek:TNG on DVD, and answer the phone multiple times a day to say "nope, still pregnant." All in all, Wiggly will come when he's ready, right? So I might as well take advantage of the time now before he's born.. because after, as Holly says, I won't even have time to shower.


Sheryl said...

I'm glad you're being well fed! Are you playing canasta? we're missing a whole month - I'm going into withdrawal.

take care - Ruthie send her best wishes.

Anonymous said...

i am glad to hear that your mom is with you,, i always wished mine was with me when i had my three,, give her my love and to you all also,,, by the way,, my partner almost finished with Brisingr and her daughter loves the series also,, i am not much of a reader but i like hearing about what is happening in the books,, I am looking forward to any news about wiggly (he?),,, so please keep me in touch,,lol and ask your mom to either email or message me when she has time please , hugs to you all, Michelle

Sheryl said...

Thinking of board-books - do you have Sandra Boyton? They were high on our favorites list _Moo, baa, la la la_ and _Blue hat, green hat_ and lots more.

Chana P said...


Anonymous said...

This weekend I will be sure to toast to L'Chaim! Welcome to the world (finally)!