Sunday, March 30, 2008

Big news

My 101st post should be something big, yes? Something definitely new. So here goes... I'm pregnant! Many of you know this already, or have guessed, but I'm officially in my second trimester so am telling the world. I'm at 14 weeks, due at the end of September. The main reason I haven't been posting so much the past few months is because of morning sickness... it was all I could do to go to school, act normal, then come home and do homework, all while trying not to throw up. I'm feeling much MUCH better now, and I'm also no longer falling asleep at 8pm. When people say their first trimester was categorized by "nausea and fatigue" - both words are a severe understatement!

I'm starting to show, as well, at least if you knew me before. I'll take pictures soon and put them up. We had an ultrasound at seven weeks and everything was fine, and just yesterday Becca, Jonathan and I heard the heartbeat with a Doppler device. I lay down on the couch in the doctor's office, she put what looked like a microphone attached to a box on my belly, and boom! there it was. Everything's going normally and in another month we find out the sex. (And yes, I will tell absolutely everyone).

Of course I've been doing a ton of reading on pregnancy and childbirth, and have many many books to recommend if people are so interested. I definitely want a natural childbirth, and so have been speaking to local midwives and the women's health center in the area. (See Ricki Lake's documentary The Business of Being Born, it's very insightful). Jonathan and I have been discussing names, we know that the guest room will turn into a nursery, and I'm working it out with the school to take fall semester off and go back in the spring.

All in all, it's been a very full few months. More updates to come!


Sheryl said...

Be-sha'ah tovah!
I'm so glad you're feeling better!

Michal said...

Thanks Sheryl!