Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Even if the winter's mild, viruses still run rampant.

In the past three days, Xander has come down with the stomach flu and Ari was diagnosed with ear and sinus infections.  Tell me oh blog readers, why do kids get sick everywhere?  We have a perfectly functioning bathroom that they never reach.  Thank goodness we have lots of laundry detergent.

Before our house was hit with the plague, though, we took some pictures:

Ari can't reach any of the windows while standing up, but loves to look out the front door.

He's such a peaceful kid.

For size comparison.  Xander wanted the record to show that Potter is almost as tall as Ari.

Winter bunnies.  We just came back from a walk (blanket around Ari's legs not pictured).  Brrr!


Janet said...

The poor things don't realize they're going to throw up until it's happening. I'm so sorry...for ALL of you. I hope they both feel better soon so everyone will catch a break.
Love you,

Janet said...

Oh My! Both boys are getting so big!!!