Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ari the virtuoso

Happy new year, everyone!  In an effort to get a clean start to the year, I cleaned off the video camera of all the old files.  Apparently I hadn't emptied it since before the High Holidays.  Oops!

So for fun, here are the oldest and newest Ari videos.  The first is really long, so I'm not expecting anyone but my mother and grandmother to watch the whole thing.  In it he squawks like a pterodactyl and I make funny animal noises:

The second is from last week.  Ari was actively hitting the keys and "singing" right before Jonathan took the video, and then of course stopped when we hit play.  And poor kiddo, his little noggin has gotten quite a lot of bruises from standing up holding onto the piano, and then falling over.  Note I try to help him avoid that at the end.  No matter how hard he tries, he just can't seem to do a successful split...


Janet said...

I am IN LOVE with your boys!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Janet --

No one would have ever guessed!!!


Janet said...

These videos are absolutely precious. Ari talking up a storm and then refusing to play the piano in front of an audience. I simply melt, I mean MEEEEEHHHHLT! And what a smile that boy has. How can you take it without wanting to hug and kiss him all the time??!!

Janet said...

I forgot to mention that I love the way you touch your children, Michal. You kiss Ari gently when he keels over, you stroke his head. He knows he's loved. THAT'S for sure!
And I love YOU!

Michal said...

Mom, you're sweet! I'm so glad you love them and you melt. But I also have come to expect it at this point... as modeled by Savta, that's what grandmothers are for!!

Sheryl said...

Love those budding musicians!

Janet said...

I apologize for absolutely NOTHING!
Love you.