Sunday, August 1, 2010

Offline for almost a whole week!

Oh my.

Let me fill you in on the events of the past week, however, and perhaps I shall be forgiven.

One... my overnight on Wednesday was extremely rough, and threw me for a loop. I ministered to the family of an 11-day old baby who came into the ER and later died. It was almost three hours of talking to the mother, grandmother, other family members, and then the staff who had never dealt with a child death before. I was very glad that I was able to be there for them in their time of need, but it was emotionally very difficult.

I had to shift gears quickly though because Friday was Jonathan's birthday! There was much party planning to be had. On Friday day, his actual birthday, Jeffrey came over and they both took the day off and played video games all day. That night I gave him his present... it started with a huge beautifully wrapped box, which contained another gorgeously wrapped box, which contained another. I had five boxes overall, and in the last one was a printed certificate, wrapped up like a scroll, announcing that Jonathan was gifted with one two-hour flying lesson on a Cessna at a local airport. He was suitably shocked and gratified.

Our friend Antonio, who travels a lot for work, also came in on Friday night and is staying with us for the weekend. On Saturday he, Jeffrey and Jonathan hooked up all their laptops to play some kind of group video game, and they were happy as clams. Saturday evening it was party time! Anyone who's in Cincinnati and wasn't invited, please don't be offended. There were only 6 of his nearest and dearest, and we went to a comedy club and then to Game Stop. Pictures of all of this to follow. Eventually.

This morning Antonio joined me for Xander's swim lesson while Jonathan slept in. And right now both men are with Jeffrey and Nick at a guy movie. I'm listening to Xander cry, because Jonathan puts him to sleep usually and it's been an hour and a half since he went to bed, so I finally gave up and closed his door.

So in short... Jonathan had a fabulous turning-40 weekend. I earned much brownie points in my marriage. AND... perhaps the very best part... Antonio made me deviled eggs!


Tara said...

Happy belated birthday to Jonathan! Sounds like a fun-filled weekend. :)

Michal said...

It was - and Tara, I'm so sorry, I owe you a seriously long phone call. Sometime this week, I swear.

Anonymous said...

This posting was worth wait. What a jam-packed weekend, from one end of the emotions to the other. I can just picture Jonathan revelling with his friends over games and movies, oh my!
It sounds like you did well, Michal.


Michal said...

Thanks, Lynn! Yeah, I tried to make a good weekend for him. I think he had fun. :)

And wish me luck on tomorrow's overnight... last one!

Sheryl said...

Happy Birthday to Jonathan - and Michal, I hope you have a very quiet uneventful overnight.

Janet said...

Deviled eggs! Did someone say deviled eggs?