Monday, August 23, 2010

Back from Minneapolis

Wow. Sometimes life is so busy, I don't even have time to write about it.

The HUC retreat last week was.... it just was. It's done. That's the best thing I can say about it.

I was oh so tired when I boarded that plane to Minneapolis, but I am SO SO glad I did. The time was amazing. Holly's three year-old is much more of an active child than Xander is, so we went to a park/nature center/jungle gym area every day, to let the kids run and jump and scream and play. (Her two-month old is the most chill kid I've ever seen though, so makes up for him.) We also hit a farmer's market, a hip round-the-world global market with fabulous gyro, Mall of America, and a picnic for the local Attached Parenting group. Her family celebrated Shabbat with me and Xander, and we went to church with them on Sunday. Mostly though, wherever we went, we just talked. And talked and talked and talked. And it was perfect.

One of the coolest things about the weekend? One of Holly's midwife friends came over to listen to my belly, and she found a strong heartbeat. So I can now officially tell everyone that I'm expecting! I'm due in late March. Hopefully the nausea will start to abate soon. I can't wait for the year to unfold.


Rebecca said...

Bshaaah tovah, Michal, Jonathan, and Xander!

Tara said...


Tevis and Katie said...

that's great Michal! Congratulations!!

Michal said...

Thanks everyone! We're really excited. :)

hollydlr said...

I love you and I miss you and I am also SO SO SO glad you came! Will see you next spring for sure!