Sunday, November 9, 2008


This was not meant to be.

I was supposed to go back to teaching Sunday school today. I was up at 7am and got ready, nursed the baby, pumped some more so Jonathan could give him a bottle, and I was up and out the door completely on time. I was proud of myself. Then I get in the car, and... the car battery is dead. Not just low, but (according to AAA, who got here in record time) it's actually dead. As in, we have to buy a new one.

Jonathan could have driven me in the Mini, I suppose, but that just seemed so complicated, what with he and the baby getting ready, moving over the carseat, interrupting the baby's nap in the afternoon to come pick me up, etc. Instead I'm taking it as a divine way of telling me I'm supposed to be home. I have mixed feelings - one one hand, I was dreading leaving the baby, and I didn't want to give him a bottle so early. But on the other hand, I was revved up to teach again and feel like myself in my mommy-free identity. Now I don't have to make the decision at all though, it was made for me. Blessing? Curse? I'll just take it as it as, and be grateful I'm awake, dressed, and ready to go so early. Auto Zone, here I come!

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