Monday, September 10, 2007


In honor of our addiction to the HBO series "Rome," courtesy of Netflix, I'm wearing my "SPQR" shirt today. One of the graduate students stopped me in the hall to say - "Okay, I just have to ask - why are you wearing 'Property of the Roman Senate' on your chest?" I looked down at said chest; there really was no good answer. :)

School is going very well. In my Life Cycles class, in which we're still on funerals, we had a reading on pet loss. I love that! The article talked all about the different roles that pets provide in a person's life, and how and why Judaism needs to respond to that loss, albeit in a different fashion than the death of a human. I had no idea there were official rituals for it.

Yesterday was the first day of Sunday school. I had such mixed feelings - everyone was so nice, and the community was very inclusive. But it just wasn't Temple Israel. The kids (3rd graders) were great, but a bit quiet. Though I guess it's all in what you're used to - my main experience is with junior high school kids, and getting them to sit down and listen is a feat in itself.

Last but not least, I was just told that the motel in Mattoon has free wireless. This is exciting! I'm now planning on bringing my laptop with me on Wednesday.

Shanah tovah u'metukah! (Literally translated, "good and sweet new year." In common parlance, "have a great Rosh Hashanah, blow the shofar, and eat lots of apples and honey.")

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