Monday, June 13, 2011

Kidlets galore

Remember Hagrid's find in Harry Potter, Norbert the baby dragon?  Mom got him a Norbert puppet when she went to the HP park in Florida.  It's his new best friend. 

Both my boys.

Jonathan is very, very loved.

Two minutes after the above picture was taken, Simcha decided that he was feeling left out.

Ari's never had a purring, vibrating pillow before.

King Arthur's Court Toys had a 30th birthday party, complete with great toy sales and face painting.  It was the perfect indoor outing for a day that came with a 95 degree heat advisory.

"Fixing" the plane.

Xander the superhero!

Xander instructed the woman on what to paint, where.  I was personally instructed not to wash it off.

So that you fully understand Norbert appreciation.  As well as how awesome his preschool is - in their unit on musical instruments, they made shoebox guitars with different color rubber bands as the strings!


Janet said...

What an awesome post!!!!!!!

Sheryl said...

Great new pics!

Chana P said...

I wish there was a "like" button for this post!

Michal said...

Thanks everyone!!

Michal said...
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