Tuesday, June 7, 2011

An eventful few days

Ari, 10 weeks, and Rachel and Ami's son Max, 6 weeks.  Ari's big for his age, and Max is small. 

Playing Shabbat.  The challah is under the cover (red cloth with lace), and he's holding the kiddush cup and wine bottle.  This is before the toys got cleaned out on Sunday.. that whole shelf area is now like new.

Simcha the indoor lug, watching Osher utterly relax outside in the heat.

Mr. Yogurt Face, enjoying dairy treats at the Shavuot petting zoo at the JCC.

Ah, the goats.

Playing music

This Saturday was also Jonathan and my 7th year anniversary.  For the first time ever, we had a babysitter watch both kids when we went out to a nice Indian buffet.  Jonathan got me some great books, I got him some miniatures for use in our Dungeons & Dragons group.  All in all, a very lovely weekend.


Janet said...

What beautiful boys! And, Michal, you look gorgeous. Can't believe you just had a baby 2 months ago!

Janet said...

I think Xander loves the squirting of the gel more than he's interested in cleaning his hands!

And what's interesting is that the shoulders on the shirt seem to fit Xander almost perfectly but do you think it's a little long for him????? Duh!!!!

Love you!