Today I felt like I was part of something really big and important; I voted.
I have voted before, but this election is special.
Unless you have been living in a cave, you know that we will elect either our first black president or our first female vice president.
Even beyond that, we are facing financial crises unlike any we have faced before and the future of our Supreme Court rulings will be swayed right or left by the appointees of this next president.
This is big stuff and I felt the fate of our nation depended on the people voting today.
When I got to my polling location I felt I was entering hollowed government ground.
This is why I was so appalled when I saw this just a few feet from the door of my polling place:

Yes, that’s right, religious right propaganda; crude, base propaganda at that.
He was only 10 feet from the door, and you had no choice but to walk within inches of him when you went to vote.
He also took the best parking space with his beat-up white trash van.
This picture is a little fuzzy because Michal took the shot from inside the car.
Michal went right up to him as we passed and told him “I’m pro-choice and will be voting for Obama, thank you very much!”
She makes me so proud.
I was too filled with loathing for what I felt was a blasphemy to such a sacred act of democracy to say anything.
When I got to work I was still really pissed, so I called the
local police.
They told me that it was freedom of speech and he was on private property so it was up to the property owners.
They wouldn’t do anything.
I almost dropped the phone.
I mean, I know I’m from
California, and I know it was a church hosting the polling site, and this guy probably was a congregant there, but this still seems to be the stuff I would make fun of in backwater southern towns.
This just seems ethically wrong if not downright illegal.
Where in all that is good have I ended up??
This cop made me even more pissed so I hung up on him and called CNN and left a message.
I doubt anything will come of it, but it made me feel a little better.
When I got home I downloaded the other pictures we took while there and it cheered me up - we had taken the boy to the polling place to introduce him to the democratic process.
He got an “I voted” sticker and everything.
See the picture below of my proud fatherly smile as I hold up my son, the future Democrat.

Oh, and for extra cheer I listened to some great grassroots-created videos promoting Obama.
I needed these to make me feel there were still people with wit and reason in the world.
I hope you like them.
Hockey moms for Obama
"Takin' It Back with Barack, Jack!"
Federal law makes it ILLEGAL to have any political signs within 100 ft of a polling place...private property or not. I know the election is over but I urge you to still contact the democratic headquarters in Ohio to bring it to their attention. Send them the address of the polling place and your picture too.
It's a great day for the future of our country and the rest of the world!
And what a sweetheart of a boy!!
The picture is so cute, I almost kissed the computer screen! Its wonderful that you're starting his education/indoctrination so early! all the best,
I am not aware of a federal law making it illegal-- I don't *think* there is one-- but in Ohio it is certainly illegal. See
"Ohio law places stringent restrictions on other activities in and around the polling place. Sections 3501.30 and 3501.35 create a 100-foot buffer zone outside the polling place entrance, which also extends to within 10 feet of any voter in line, if the line extends beyond the 100-foot zone. Poll workers mark off the zone with small U.S. flags. In this area, no one may "loiter, congregate, or engage in any kind of election campaigning," "hinder or delay" a voter from reaching or leaving the polling place, or "[s]olicit or in any manner attempt to influence any elector in casting [their] vote," among other things. These broad provisions appear to prohibit talking with voters while they are entering or leaving the polling place or even standing inside the zone, except when waiting in line to vote."
But the best part is, Obama took Ohio!
I have three comments.
First, there is no Federal 100-foot exclusion law for political signs; it is something legislated by the State and varies across the country. For example, in Virginia, political signs are not permitted within 40 feet of any entrance of any polling place.
Second, it’s important to be informed about your State’s rules of conduct at polling places. For Ohio, check out the advisory issued by the Ohio Secretary of State to all County Board of Elections dated February 26, 2008:
There is a provision that states no person should: “(1) Loiter, congregate, or engage in any kind of election campaigning within the area between the polling place and the small flags of the United States placed on the thoroughfares and walkways leading to the polling place, and if the line of electors waiting to vote extends beyond those small flags, within ten feet of any elector in that line.” However, it does not sound like this man violated the provision. In the picture, he is just outside that little flag.
It would be a different story if he was actively harassing electors—shouting, blocking access to the polls, etc. Then he would be guilty of interfering with or disrupting an election.
Finally, as repugnant as this man's protest may have been, his actions were legal and protected as free speech under the Constitution of the United States (Go Constitution!). One of my favorite movie quotes says it best.
“America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, 'You want free speech?' Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.” - President Andrew Shepherd, The American President
That said, how amazing that Obama won and no civil unrest ensued! America is a wonderful place.
As much as I agree with Kristie (except with the Obama winning thing), I have a different take; it's all about power. The fact that you let him get under your skin gave him the power. The fact that you spent a portion of your day acknowledging his existence by; confronting him, calling the cops, calling CNN and later to write about it on the Internet gave him the power. In this case, you did exactly what he was hoping to do and that was to piss you off, get you to talk about it and provide attention to his cause. It had nothing to do with the vote at all.
Out here when I go vote, I have people coming up to me to provide me "sample ballots" that represent their party’s agenda as I am walking into the building. I keep my eyes forward and don't even acknowledge their existence. Who had the power there? That is right my friend, the Big Dog right here.
Thank you,Kristie, I stand corrected.
However, Shawn, I couldn't disagree with you more. I applaud Jonathan for, while still being upset and offended at the bile on that man's sign, owning his own power by taking action to try to fix something that he thought was an affront to our political system, not to mention illegal.
We can ignore things all we want, but nothing ever changes that way.
Great quote, Kristie!
I was sickened when I saw that sign. It is a typical weapon of choice of the ultra-right. An issue such as a woman's right to choose placed in that context is nothing more than a twisting of words to support a religious stance. In your blog entry you noted how the country was in such bad shape, in terms of the economy, the war, education and health care. Yet there are those out there that feel that this pro-life issue along with others the evangelicals push trumps everything else.
We don't know each other, but I am your cousin (Sandi and Phil's son). I know your mom and grandmother very well. I have been fighting the good fight on my end through my writings and blog entries on Facebook. I fought hard for Obama knowing full well he was the best human being for the highest job in the nation. Yet still there are those out there who would rather sacrifice hope for a better nation for trash such as this fool was dishing out. It is a dirty shame and thankfully common sense and a lot of hope trumped these ideologies on election day. And yes, we need to get angry and agitated over this insanity - it helps drive us to do the correct thing.
BTW, Mazel Tov on the birth of your baby - he is adorable! Glad to see he is getting his education of the electoral system in this country early.
I agree with the man holding the sign, but you knew that already didn't you Michal :) ? Cute baby pics!
At this point we will agree to disagree. We both have strong opinions and no matter what is said it won't change that. As long as everyone walks away from this more informed than when we started. Isn't America GREAT! The ability to share opposing points of view without the threat of being dragged out into the middle of the street and shot.
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