Abba, myself and the baby the day he left. Alexander has grown even since this picture. He had his one-month checkup on Thursday, and he now weighs 8 lbs, 12.4 oz, and is 21.5 in long.

Baby's first trip to Target. It was Mommy's first trip to a store by herself with the baby, too. A 20 minute errand took an hour as we had two diaper changes, crying, and hunger to deal with. But like Obama, we did it!

For the next shopping trip to Meijer's I went with the wrap. Holly introduced me to babywearing in this type of wrap, and I was scared at first (it seemed so complicated). But one of my home birth friends came over and literally helped me to wrap it and put the baby in, and now I love it! It's hands-free, so I can do errands around the house, go shopping, and even take walks around the neighborhood (which I've actually done once, thank you for scoffing). The only bad thing is, I try to take him places to stimulate his senses (we even visited HUC!), and then the walking and my heartbeat lulls him to sleep! So maybe it isn't working as well as I want. :)

Jonathan making dinner. The baby was completely awake the whole time, and looking all around (perhaps there's something interesting on the ceiling?) I think he stayed awake because Jonathan wasn't walking around so much, just moving between the stove and the counter.

When the baby was first born he slept in a co-sleeper next to us, a sort of crib that attaches to the bed at the same height as our mattress. But he kept waking up in the middle of the night with cold hands. So as an experiment, we set up a travel crib that Carl and Anne had lent us in Jonathan's office, and put the space heater up to 78 degrees. He then slept 5 hours straight! So there goes the sleeping-with-us thing... apparently he has my Mediterranean thermostat and loves heat! Also note the mobile hanging from the fan, he loves the black and white cards. We'll move the crib into the guest room in December once guests leave, and then we'll transform the room into the nursery.

Speaking of guests, Jonathan's mom, Liz, is visiting from CA. She's going to teach me how to sew (because at this point I can't sew on a button), and today she got the ingredients to make a cherry cream cheese pie. Next up, taco soup!

My sister-in-law Natasha lives in Columbus, and drove Liz down from the airport. Alexander had a ball playing with her and making faces.

I said that the cats were acting weird? Osher found the highest spot in the house from which to look down on the baby: the top of the front door.
Can you believe Alex is a month old already??!! Billu looks exactly the same as I remember him, and it's been a long time!!!
I know, it's ridiculous! I told him he hadn't changed one bit since last time I saw him (a year and a half ago), except maybe a bit more gray in his hair. He said that he's only gone up ONE pants size since high school. I hate him.
I'm glad you're feeling better and venturing into the outside world. Great pics again - although with the subject matter, you could hardly go wrong!
guess who :)
Awww Jonathan makes a cute marsupial.
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