The link below is to pictures of the naming ceremony two weeks ago. People came from HUC and from the temple where I teach. Rabbi Sarason officiated, and Jonathan, myself, the baby, and my parents sat in chairs at the front of the living room, and everyone else crowded into our living and dining areas. Savta did what grandmothers do, even when they're not physically present; she provided the nosh! (And what a nosh it was... yay for yummy food! Savta, our stomachs thank you).
Naming ceremony picturesHere are some other shots:

Hanging out after a diaper change

Hat face

Daddy's nose is so big!

Trying out the fancy shmancy new stroller gifted by Fagel, Ethel and Sandi in Chicago. He loved the ride!

You crack me up!

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What did you just call me? "Wiggle" is no longer acceptable!
And now, pictures with the parents:

Who knew that my father knows reiki?! He was able to calm the baby down like no other. (This picture is from last week). Abba was here for two weeks, it was fabulous. Then he went back to Israel... and the rest of us were reduced to walking with Alexander at night instead of laying on of hands.

My mom and I tonight as she was packing. Alexander was holding his head up by himself, and let it fall back right as we took the picture. What a precocious kid. :)
Pics are great,, good to see everyone so very happy,,, yes he does look like his daddy,, and the three generation will grow when your mom comes janet, hugs from downunder,,, Michelle
What an adorable little munchkin! I can't wait to meet him and do mommy things with you Michal! Much love, holly :)
Thanks for the pics!
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