Sunday, November 30, 2008
A glimpse inside our relationship
Scene: Late afternoon on a dreary gray day. Michal is in the kitchen, cooing to the baby while doing dishes. Jonathan is outside using the leaf blower to collect the leaves from the yard.
Michal: "Hmm, I want chocolate."
Michal brings mini-Snickers outside, tells Jonathan to open his mouth. Jonathan looks befuddled but complies. Michal pops chocolate inside.
Jonathan: "Thank you."
Jonathan chews chocolate, swallows, and returns to leaf-blowing. Michal returns to dishwashing inside the house.
Now, this seems like a very simple transaction, but Jonathan and I have since dissected it to death. Why did I bring him the mini-Snickers? Because I love chocolate and wanted to show him I loved him. One of my love languages is food, so by providing Jonathan with a Snickers by surprise, I thought he would feel overcome with tenderness and know immediately that I appreciated his yard work.
Jonathan, on the other hand, does not have the same association with food that I do. Instead, he thought that I had wanted chocolate and felt guilty about eating it, so then gave some to him as a way to alleviate my guilt. It was only afterwards that he realized, "OH, it's a sign of love." At around the same time I realized, "Jonathan doesn't care about food. That probably meant nothing."
Later that night I asked him what would be his quick symbol of "I love you, thank you for doing icky lawn work." And you know what he said? "Come outside and give me a kiss." "A kiss?" I asked. "That's it?" "That's it. A kiss means love much more than chocolate ever could."
It seems so simple. This understanding is better for our marriage. But, still, I don't get it... how does food not equal love?!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Important things to know
Due to Simcha's habit of smothering the heat vents with his body, he is now constantly full of static electricity. If one were to say, hold him up over the humidifier and let the mist engulf him, one can neutralize said static electricity. One would think Simcha would mind such treatment. He does not. He in fact, purrs.
Jean can make amazing Thanksgiving brisket. We were stuffed with stuffing when we left her house.
All praise the woman at Costco who said that Xander looked wise. She thought he was at least three months old because of the way he held up his head and was so alert.
The yard has a LOT of leaves. We know this because Jonathan spent an inordinate amount of time cleaning them up before they attracted bugs.
The baby loves Black Friday shopping with Dad. Mom loves it too, because she got in a three-hour nap while father and son steam-rollered the stores.
And the best part... there are still two more weekend days left!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pictures and videos
Lots of other pictures can be found here.
Smiling at the mobile, part one.
Mobile part two.
Ignore my terrible scratchy voice. Here he smiles when I sing.
Osherle chasing the laser dot.
Long belated update
Liz not only brought over her recipe book but made us fudge! She got me an introductory sewing kit and taught me a few basic things (like how to sew on a button) which I desperately needed. Her visit was wonderful, and Alexander was always quiet whenever his Shamma (Gaelic for grandmother) rocked him. We drove up to Columbus on her last day to see Natasha and Kevin's new apartment and meet Kevin's family. Liz played Wii bowling while I pigged out on Natasha’s homemade spinach artichoke dip.
That same day Holly flew in from Omaha. She and her 17 month old, Gregory, helped teach me how to go out and about with a baby. We did everything, from grocery shopping to going to bookstores to singing kid songs to figuring out new ways to use my wrap (I can now put Alexander sideways as well as facing me). She and I met up with various crunchy home birth friends of mine, each with other toddlers, and went out to lunches and errands. For example, Maria brought over her son to play and we later saw her again at a La Leche League meeting. On Friday our outing to the Children’s Museum expanded as there were three adults (me, Holly, Pam) and four kids (one mine, one Holly’s, two of Pam’s). Her last night we had over Elbie and Dave for dessert and whipped up some fabulous chocolate fondue.
HUC students have been wonderful about keeping in touch and bringing us meals (THANK YOU). Osher has decided that he wants to be an indoor/outdoor cat, so we got him chipped and gave him the feline leukemia vaccine. And I went back to teaching Sunday school two weeks ago and didn’t realize how much I’d missed it. Two quick stories: one, last week in art the kids were making clay mezuzahs. One decorated his in silver and gold puffy paint. “Cool!” said the 3rd grader next to him. “Jewish bling!”
Two, I loved how Noah, the rabbinic intern, discussed the Torah portion where Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, chose Rebecca to marry Isaac. In attempting to relate to the children at youth services, he said, “Eliezer was Abraham’s right-hand man. Nothing would have happened without him. Think of them like Batman and Alfred. Where would Batman have been if Alfred hadn’t been there to clean the cave and make sure everything worked right?!” I cracked up.
In terms of baby news, Xander – which is what we’ve decided to call Alexander instead of “Alex,” when we choose to use a nickname – has hit many baby milestones in the past few weeks. He can now… drumroll please… blow spit bubbles! He smiles and coos (and is oh so adorable when he does it, if I may say so myself). He’s very alert when he’s awake, and is fascinated by Jonathan’s face, a rattle that Holly brought, and the burgundy/cream tile pattern on our living room fireplace. He sleeps four to five hours a time at night starting at around midnight or 1am, then usually nurses once and goes down for another two hours. He’s still meticulous about his diaper and lets us know immediately if it needs to be changed. We introduced a bottle and a pacifier, and he’s taken to both, though we only use them in moderation (the bottle when I’m at Sunday school, and the pacifier when I’m not around or in the car). He's up to 10 pounds now, and has grown out of his "newborn" sized clothes and is in "0-3 months." I have probably about 200 pictures and ten videos of the past two weeks to sort through, so once I get them organized I'll be sure to post.
And last but not least, since it has actually snowed twice here and my neighbors are already stringing up their Christmas lights, I don’t feel too early in posting this link in the spirit of Hanukkah. Courtesy of Sheryl, behold the Seattle Men’s Chorus Ensemble singing cowboy Dreidel.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A non-baby post
1) I'm obsessed with Brangelina. They're beautiful people who exemplify the concept of mitzvot. I love them. How many celebrities actually donate a third of their paycheck to charity?!
2) For the life of me I have to concentrate to be able to tell my right from my left. Honestly, it's really weird, it takes me a split second to process. I blame the fact that I skipped first grade when we learned the difference. It's easier for me to translate Hebrew on the spot than to figure out if a turn is L or R. I have this feeling that this is directly related to #3,
3) I can't give directions to save my life. Most of the embarrassing moments in my life are related to this fact.
4) When I go to sleep I have to be lying on my right side. Otherwise it's just not "sleepy position," and falling asleep takes three times longer.
5) I have to take notes in class with paper and pencil or pen, not a laptop. I'm one of only two holdouts in my rabbinic school class to do so. It's so visual for me, I can't remember anything if I type it. But if I physically write, I retain the information.
6) I have great willpower in eating, except with Hot Tamales candies. For some reason half a box disappears in one sitting!
And now for shout-outs: happy very belated bday to Chana P., mazel tov on Jessica and Michael's engagement, yay to Gwen for her new office, and another mazel tov on the birth of Eden, Jonathan and Yael's new son.
As if I had any doubt...
Today, changing his diaper, I got pee in my eye.
Also, check out today's NY Times article about the rising popularity of home birth: Baby, You're Home. Many thanks to Becca for the link!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
More pictures

I was supposed to go back to teaching Sunday school today. I was up at 7am and got ready, nursed the baby, pumped some more so Jonathan could give him a bottle, and I was up and out the door completely on time. I was proud of myself. Then I get in the car, and... the car battery is dead. Not just low, but (according to AAA, who got here in record time) it's actually dead. As in, we have to buy a new one.
Jonathan could have driven me in the Mini, I suppose, but that just seemed so complicated, what with he and the baby getting ready, moving over the carseat, interrupting the baby's nap in the afternoon to come pick me up, etc. Instead I'm taking it as a divine way of telling me I'm supposed to be home. I have mixed feelings - one one hand, I was dreading leaving the baby, and I didn't want to give him a bottle so early. But on the other hand, I was revved up to teach again and feel like myself in my mommy-free identity. Now I don't have to make the decision at all though, it was made for me. Blessing? Curse? I'll just take it as it as, and be grateful I'm awake, dressed, and ready to go so early. Auto Zone, here I come!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Voting Day

Yes, that’s right, religious right propaganda; crude, base propaganda at that. He was only 10 feet from the door, and you had no choice but to walk within inches of him when you went to vote. He also took the best parking space with his beat-up white trash van. This picture is a little fuzzy because Michal took the shot from inside the car. Michal went right up to him as we passed and told him “I’m pro-choice and will be voting for Obama, thank you very much!” She makes me so proud. I was too filled with loathing for what I felt was a blasphemy to such a sacred act of democracy to say anything.
When I got to work I was still really pissed, so I called the
When I got home I downloaded the other pictures we took while there and it cheered me up - we had taken the boy to the polling place to introduce him to the democratic process. He got an “I voted” sticker and everything. See the picture below of my proud fatherly smile as I hold up my son, the future Democrat.

Oh, and for extra cheer I listened to some great grassroots-created videos promoting Obama. I needed these to make me feel there were still people with wit and reason in the world. I hope you like them.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The babeleh at three weeks
Naming ceremony pictures
Here are some other shots:

And now, pictures with the parents:

Guest blog from Bubby/Jan
A few of you have requested a guest blog entry so here ‘tis. It’s been 5 weeks since I arrived and I’m shaking my head in disbelief that the visit is actually coming to an end tomorrow. Being here and sharing this experience with Michal and Jonathan has been unbelievable. First, just the fact that after 5 weeks, all of us are still civil to each other is an accomplishment! And, in fact, we’re all getting along quite well.
Michal and I spent 2 glorious weeks together before the baby arrived. She wanted to get everything together so we shopped, we organized, I precooked some meals. And we talked and talked and talked. Michal and Jonathan were also very generous by including me in every doctor’s appointment and visit with the midwife.
Michal experienced what is called back labor and wanted someone to push on her lower back. So the midwife’s assistant did just that. Then Michal’s friend, Sarah, and I took over when she needed a break. I couldn’t believe how much pressure she wanted so we kept pushing harder and harder…to the point that my arm was vibrating from applying so much pressure. Once when I thought I might be hurting her, I let up a bit and it didn’t take more than a second for Michal to bellow, “Don’t stop!” So I guess it wasn’t too hard after all.
I sat and talked with the midwife at about 8:30am and she told me that the labor was progressing very quickly and that she expected that the baby might arrive by 2:30 that afternoon. But no guarantees. So we were all more than a bit surprised when Alexander literally shot out like a rocket only half an hour later at 9:07am! Sarah and I were still putting pressure on Michal’s lower back when Michal, who was squatting at the side of the birthing pool, started what was to be the last push. I was looking over her back towards her tush. No baby. And then Sarah calmly stated, “Uh….the baby’s out.” We were all stunned! It had only been 2-1/2 hours, lots of screams and moans, but only 2 pushes in 7 minutes. And there was the baby. Wiggly made his entrance. And what an entrance it was .While we were all looking toward the middle of the tub, the baby appeared in front of Michal and all of us except Sarah missed it!
Michal reached down into the water, picked up her son and there was this poop-covered little boy, eyes wide open taking in the whole room! I couldn’t believe how alert he was. No crying, no screaming. His palms were open and relaxed. Well, Jonathan and I were overcome with emotion and my eyes just filled with tears. Jonathan and I embraced and cried together.