Car trips are so much fun!

No way, Auntie Becca! The moon really IS made of cheese?!

I like to participate in the holiday consumer crush. I am an American, after all, even if I'm little.

Shopping wears me out. But I do look stylish when I sleep, thanks to my special Disney outfit from Savta.

Oooh, keep talking, I'm paying close attention!

I wuv you!

Just call me Superman when I sleep.

Josh is so cool. He's the only rabbinical student who can quote Star Trek along with Mommy!

It's great when Daddy works at home. At least for me. Here he is on a conference call at 11pm, helping me go to bed.

My cats are gay lovers. Are all cats this way?
Hey girl. So I read your mommy list from before and it made me cry...and you'll need to remind me to read it again when I become a mom! (not now though) On that note, I wrapped my parents' hannukah gift in leftover baby wrapping paper from a cousin's baby shower. I had to explain that it wasn't a hint, don't worry.
I will call you when finals are over!
Your kid is way too cute! :) Love the first pic, the one with tired daddy on a conference call and holding the baby. What a champ! Happy holidays and love to all.
What great pictures. I felt like we didn't take enough, but it looks like all the ones we did were quality :)
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