Here is a picture that makes him look chubbier than he really is, but it’s a good shot of eye color:

He also had his first vaccination shots and took them like a trooper, just sleeping a lot.
We spent last weekend morphing the spare room into the guest room, and the previous guest room into the nursery. The nursery is still in progress, so pics will follow in a couple weeks when we get a mattress (right now we’re using a crib, but I’d like to shift over, according to the Montessori method). We also moved to cloth diapers from disposables. I feel much better about it, seeing as it’s better for the environment as well as for his tush. But oy, I do a laundry load of diapers every day now.
Xander has been having many outings lately:

A few more pics from last week, when Holly was here:
I realize that many of the baby shots are of him in his bouncy chair. He actually spends very little time in it, unless we're eating or I'm doing something that is uncomfortable for him to be in a wrap (like chopping salad). For some reason it's only when I'm looking straight at him in it though that I remember to take a picture... have no fear, he won't get a flat head from lying down too much!
In other news, Park and Vine, this great organic eco-friendly store, had a huge sale, so Jonathan and I picked up the cutest diaper bag ever, as well as some stainless steel water bottles.
What else? Osher is a silly, stupid cat who likes to go outside in all weather, then meows piteously at the door five minutes later when he realizes it’s raining sleet.
Me one, Bethesda North Hospital zero: they were charging us fifteen hundred dollars for “Baby Boy Loving”’s hospital stay, namely the nursery, labs, and pediatrician. None of which we utilized. They argued that even though he was born at home, he COULD have needed all those things, and they were available to him. I finally said that I COULD have cancer and needed chemotherapy drugs, but I didn’t. And they don’t charge me for those, either. Needless to say, I got a message today from the supervisor saying that all the charges were revoked. Hooray!
Life is slowly reverting to pre-baby, or shall I say integrated-baby-ness: Jonathan is working insane hours so that his team can make all the January 1st deadlines, and I resumed teaching my adult Hebrew class again today. It was great, they didn’t mind at all that I changed a diaper and nursed during our session! I also met with the dean at HUC, and it looks like I’ll be going back to school part-time in the spring. But between an intensive one-week course (on LGBT issues and Judaism!) and my summer classes, I won’t be too terribly behind class-wise.
Now off to Shabbat pizza and movie....
1 comment:
I must say,, the pic of xander and you with the fedex truck behind,, he looks very wise as his mommy is,, looks like he has been here before,,once more Congrats Michal and Jonathan, he is a georgous boy,,, Mazal tov,, Michelle D
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