Excitedly wearing Daddy's shoes

Chilling with a book.
Crawling in my office.
Almost there...
So proud of himself afterward.
The next night, the first thing we did was light the electric menorah in the window.
Spinning dreidels.
They light up!
Helping Ari open his gift.
They actually worked really well together.
This baby wears his heart on his sleeve.
Jackets from Mom.
All jazzed about Buzz, Woody, and the DINOSAUR!
Ari's a bit overwhelmed by wrapping paper.
I'm laughing at Xander's sounds of unabashed glee.
The excavator known as "Potter."
Getting down deep.
Examining the treads.
A very happy kidlet.
And, sadly, that's all the Hanukkah pictures. We haven't felt very inspired the rest of the week. (I imagine that's an easy part about Christmas, judging from all my friends' Facebook photos - you just get out the camera once and you're done with it!) Other major present hits for Xander have been a laser star show for his ceiling, a construction puzzle from Bubby, and remote control bumper cars. Personally I'm loving my books and a movie, Ari adores his shape sorter, and Jonathan went gaga for a collection of lion documentaries (from my mother, not me. Because she gives better gifts than I do. Sigh). We also thought it was important for Xander to make us gifts, to know that it doesn't just go one way, so Jonathan and I both worked with him separately to create something for the other. I'll take pictures of those later.
Just one night left to go! Thank goodness, because I'm reaching my latke limit...
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