What you can't see in this picture is the pom-pom in the back of the hat. The pom-pom made the hat. It defined the hat. It transformed the hat from being merely cute to being full-on unique.
And now.. I almost can't write it... the pom-pom is gone. I tugged the hat off my head the other day, and the poor put-upon pom-pom fell off right into my hand. I gasped, and stared at it in shock and horror. No! The travesty! It couldn't be! But it was. The pom-pom was no more. It was unsalvagable. I ceremoniously threw it in the trash, and sniffed.
The hat remains. But it looks sad, and forlorn. Whisps of pom-pom yarn trail from the top, as if in memory.
Pom-pom, I shall miss you, and think of you often. I now wear my red hat in your honor. It has a red pom-pom. But it shall never be the same.
You are so cute and charming ....even sans pom-pom.
Why thank you Mom.
And Jeffrey, in answer to your (and possibly others') question: I can't sew it back on because it's just a bunch of loose yarn. It fell off in pieces, there's nothing binding it together anymore. And I don't know enough to put them on individually.
Bring it to LB next time you come - I'll make you a new pom-pom. I know that nothing can replace the original but ... :-)
Oooh, I'll take you up on that! Thanks!
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