The boy is too smart for his own good. He sleeps on a mattress, not on a crib, and lately, when he wakes up, he just rolls off. First he plays on his own until he gets bored. And when he decides he wants some company, he doesn't even cry - he pounds on the door instead! Mommy and Daddy come into the room through the door, so obviously, that's where he should be knocking. We have to open the door very carefully every morning because there he is, either standing up holding onto the changing table nearest the door, or sitting in front of the door itself.
Second, and perhaps more relevant to my immediate need for sleep, is that he cut a second tooth. Here he is enjoying the packaging to one of Jonathan's birthday presents.

Third, he can climb the stairs!
And this isn't a milestone, but it's a cute video nonetheless. Books are so much better when they're brought to life, don't you think?
I love the way you read the book, Michal! And Xander's expressions are delicious...his smiles, his laughter, the way he raises his eyebrows, and how he purses his lips like you do while you sing "MOO MOO MOO" to him! Your videos are almost as good a being there!
Love you,
Xander's hair is getting so long and curly! It's beautiful.
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