To celebrate I have a fun day planned tomorrow - sitting in on a baby music class at 9:30, teaching my adult education class at 11, visiting and hanging out with my friend who will watching Xander next week at 2, and then lounging til Tot Shabbat at 5:30. Xander, Odelia, and I shall sit and eat bon-bons in between events. Or at least lie on the floor a lot and watch the baby scoot himself around.
I am off to bed, but leave you with a picture of a smiley boy. This was taken at school last week.

(By the way, I've gotten some questions about his necklace. It's made of amber, and is a traditional teething remedy used in Europe. The natural oils in the stones supposedly sink into his skin and act as a natural analgesic. It's too close to his neck so he can't reach it with his mouth and bite it, but it's also loose enough that it won't choke him. If you're interested (or if you just think that I'm crazy), here is a technical academic paper from SUNY Stony Brook University that explains the benefits of the properties in the necklace. This is a link to a lay site that discusses the same thing.
omigod. what a punim!!!!! And his personality just shines through!
That's funny. I also just got an amber necklace to help during the pregnancy especially, because I always have an irritating cough when I'm prego. See Xander we are related!!!!
Ok, this is at least the 10th time I've looked at this post today. He is enchanting!
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