Children are lovely. They are also a sacrifice. To whit: on Friday I had a bunch of errands to do in Kentucky. I lined them all up so that they were within a few miles of each other – go to the outlet store to get new jeans, see a woman from Craigslist to pick up a whole bunch of like-new clothes for Xander, and get measured for my bridesmaids dress for Tara’s wedding. I only got as far as the Craigslist clothes. Xander was SO SUPER EXCITED that he wouldn’t go to sleep at all. So at 3pm we left the woman's house and he immediately fell asleep in the car. I got to the outlet mall parking lot and know it would literally take me 10 minutes to run in there, get the jeans, and run out, but that the baby would wake up and be cranky. If I stayed in the car, or even better, went home, he would stay asleep for his usual nap. I was so frustrated, but I just stayed in that parking lot for half an hour (thank goodness Holly was available by phone to commiserate with), and then I drove home. He slept the whole way home and then only woke up again a little bit after we got back. It was the right thing to do – had I gone to the two other stores he wouldn’t have slept at all – but still. Grrr.
That said… he is adorable, and we love him. Here are some shots explaining why.

After a bath.

His first balloon - it's fascinating!

Going for a walk. Of course we took pictures - we haven't forgotten our other babies!
Osher kept sniffing the camera, so Jonathan took a picture of him.
This link here is to a slideshow of Xander playing with Deann's cat, Hazel. That cat is such a love! She let Xander do everything to her.
And lastly, two videos:
1 comment:
I can't stand it!!!!! Xander is so wonderful!! I love you singing to him, Michal, and his laughing with you AND Jonathan sounds like happy music! How I miss you all.
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